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Home » Get to Know Our Staff: Introducing Our Beloved Owner Serena!
Get to Know Our Staff: Introducing Our Beloved Owner Serena!

Get to Know Our Staff: Introducing Our Beloved Owner Serena!

Jan 13, 2020 | Health Tips, Women's Health

We hope everyone’s new year is looking promising and flowing smoothly! This week we thought it would be fun to start a NEW series that will feature each one of our employees.  We will introduce each team member and reveal their personal health tips!  We’d like to kick the series off by introducing our beloved owner Serena!  Without further ado…

Tell us a little bit about yourself…

I was raised with a strong knowledge of nutrition by my mother Patty (currently working at Elite).  I started working with her at the old location of Elite Nutrition about 12 years ago as a part time employee.  At the time, I was a full time musician and you could often see my band playing at some of the local venues here in Las Vegas.  I made the decision (3 years ago this month!) to purchase Elite Nutrition from the original owner and moved it across the street next to Trader Joe’s in it’s current location.  In my free time I still enjoy playing music, spending time with my animals, and travelling.

What is the most valuable lesson that you’ve learned since owning Elite Nutrition?

Learning how to run a business in general has grown me in ways I never expected.  I’ve also learned how important cultivating lasting relationships with our customers (new and old) is for helping us sustain a healthy community as well as a healthy business.  We truly are a family here.

What is your favorite thing about working at Elite Nutrition?

I feel blessed being able to work in a healthy environment every day and truly enjoy being able to help people feel better.

Can you share some of your personal health tips and/or supplements that you cannot live without?

KEEP MOVING YOUR BODY!  Do not let the body become stagnant.  If there is anything I have learned it is how important healthy circulation is for the body.  This is similar to a stagnant pond’s murky water vs a running stream that is fresh and clear.  My movement of choice is yoga and light jogging–low impact for the joints but amazing for vitality.

My supplements that I do not go a day without are CellfoodUdo’s Oil 3-6-9probiotics, and Viva Complete Enzymes (with every meal).  The Cellfood gives me an extra boost of energy and helps oxygenate my whole body, which is very helpful for when I’m experiencing seasonal allergies.  Udo’s Oil is an amazing complete omega oil that supports every function in the body.  Personally, I notice my mood is better, my joints don’t hurt and my skin looks amazing!  The enzymes and probiotics fully support the digestive process beginning and end.  Enzymes are a must have for over eating or eating hard to digest food! Probiotics take care of the rest!

If a new customer walks in the store and asks what are two products that will help improve their over-all health and wellness, what would you suggest?

For someone who is new to nutrition I would suggest a high quality whole food based multi-vitamin/mineral.  This is a good way to address nutritional deficiencies that may have occurred over time.  I would also suggest a high quality probiotic because these help you absorb the nutrients from your food as well as supplements.  They can also assist the immune system and digestive process.

Thanks Serena, for providing this healthy, fun, safe place to feel our best!! Next week we will introduce you to her mother Patty (our resident health guru).  Stay tuned and most importantly– stay healthy!

P.S. This month, Elite Nutrition and Wellness celebrates 3 YEARS OF SERVICE!  Happy Birthday Elite!  Yay! 

As always, do what you feel is best for YOUR body — if you aren’t sure, ask your doctor.  We are health ENTHUSIASTS not licensed practitioners.

Elite Nutrition


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