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Get Fit With The Help of Supplements!

Get Fit With The Help of Supplements!

Jan 19, 2021 | Energy, Health Tips, Weight Loss

Get Fit With The Help of Supplements!

Happy New Year Elite family! We made it to 2021, barely.  We are semi joking about that.  What we know so far about 2021, is that it quite possibly may be another version of 2020, maybe even 2020.1?  Neither here nor there, because you know what?  This year will be as good as we make it!

If you have set personal goals to focus more on your health and get in shape, we’d like to support you in that endeavor.   We will talk about supplements that will compliment your weight loss plan and sports supplements that will fuel your workouts!  Let’s start with weight loss support.

Weight Loss Supplements

Some of our favorite things to help boost weight loss are geared at improving toxin elimination.  Fat is a safe house for toxins.   These products aren’t just beneficial for weight loss they are beneficial for cleansing the system and improving over-all well being.  Here are two of our go to’s-

Cleansing Kits

Using cleansing kits can be helpful and convenient to kick start your weight loss or get fit goals. The Ultimate Cleanse by Nature’s Secret is a detox kit that is formulated to assist with cleaning the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, colon, and more! The cleanse contains a complex herbal blend to boost the elimination process and a fiber complex to pushes the build up of waste out of your system. Couple this kit with a healthy diet full of vegetables and fruits and feel the difference!


If you prefer a gentle method of complimenting your health goals, try boosting your fiber intake.  One type of a well know fiber supplement is Psyllium Husk.  This type of fiber is a more vigorous fiber and good for short term cleansing needs.  The other fiber that we like is Acacia Fiber.  This fiber is gentle on most systems and is great for long term use.  Most of us do not eat enough fiber in our diet.  Supplementing with a fiber can help get more adequate amounts of fiber which will help with eliminating daily toxins.

Other Beneficial Supplements

Here are a couple of supplements that may specifically help boost weight loss:

Natural Weight Loss Formula by Cellfood is a formula featuring Garcinia Cambogia, L-Carnitine, and Cellfood proprietary Blend.  This formula will help complement a healthy diet by boosting metabolism, curving your appetite, and helps increase oxygen levels in your cells (less weight and more energy!).

Triple-Tea Fat Burner by Irwin Naturals is one of our best selling weight loss formulas.  It includes a blend of vitamins, minerals, fish oil, and green/white/black tea.  The ingredients are combined to help boost energy, burn calories and deliver lots of anti-oxidants that help eliminate free-radicals and protect the cells!  (contains caffeine)

Get Fit Supplements

These are our favorite supplements that help compliment a workout routine.  Supplements are so great to work with.  They will help keep your body motivated and continue the hard work.  Let’s face it, establishing a workout routine is hard but maintaining it is even harder.  Try supplements to ease into these routines!


Protein shakes are a great way to give your muscles and body what it needs to move.  There are many options of protein shakes to choose from– whey (dairy based) or plant based proteins.  Some proteins come with greens or more ingredients that can act as a meal replacement. You can throw in extra veggies or berries for added nutrients and blend it all together.  Eating healthy fats prior to working out can be highly beneficial too!  like– avocados, walnuts, almonds, coconut, etc.  You can also add MCT oil or Flax Seed Oil to a protein shake to add some healthy fat for energy and endurance!

Pre-Workout Supplements

Why not give your body support and try supplements to help avoid muscle fatigue/soreness, injury, and boost endurance!  There are a lot of pre-workout powders to add to protein shakes but these often contain artificial STUFF in them.  The active ingredient is usually caffeine.  Bypass the junk and try taking green tea extract in capsule form or add matcha (green tea powder) to your shake!

Try taking Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) before any type of weight training to help prevent muscle strain and soreness.  BCAAs are three different amino acids– valine, leucine and isoleucine.  These specific amino acids are delivered to the muscles instead of being digested in the liver.  This is why they are helpful to aid the muscles and prevent soreness.

Beets can be fantastic for dilating the blood vessels which will increase blood flow along with increasing endurance! Add a scoop of beet crystals to your water or protein shake.

Post-Workout Supplements

Supplements are a game changer for post workout recovery.  The less sore that you are after a workout, the more likely you are to hit the gym again!  Collagen is great to loosen up the muscles and help ease the soreness.  BCAAs can be taken after you work out as well.  The amino acid glutamine can be very beneficial because this is the main amino acid in the muscles!

Cellfood can be helpful to cleanse out the system after a workout, or use it prior to boost endurance.   Add it to your water and re-hydrate.  Incorporating electrolytes with your water (essential minerals) will help replenish the vital minerals it lost from sweating.


Alright folks, let’s get fit!  Hopefully we gave you some good ideas of where supplements can boost your new years health goals!  Again, HAPPY New Year.  Let’s make the most of it!

As always, do what you feel is best for YOUR body — if you aren’t sure, ask your doctor.  We are health ENTHUSIASTS not licensed practitioners.

Elite Nutrition


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